April 12th Letter

April 12, 2023

Greetings neighbor,

Garman will be completing the road repairs today! I will be sending a final financial statement once I receive their invoice showing the total bill and any remaining funds, which will be held for future maintenance. If you provided a check, please make sure your account is fully funded as I will turn over all checks soon.

Important note: Beda Garman wanted me to stress to all owners and their guests to please SLOW DOWN on the road. He has already seen people spinning tires, etc. which will damage the new road surface and make maintenance happen sooner, and with higher costs every year. Remember the speed limit is 10 mph on the whole Buckhorn road. Now that we have a nice road again, it’s up to us to keep it that way and to protect it.

Again, thank you for your help! 


Sean C